We offer free, personalized, on-demand, online tutoring to metro Atlanta students. With expert tutors in over 50+ subjects, interactive workspaces and bilingual offerings, TutorATL is here to serve you. We're currently available to residents of the City of Atlanta, Fulton County, Cobb County, and students in the Atlanta Public Schools system.
9 a.m. - 11 p.m.
Drop-Off Essay Review
Drop-Off Math Help
*Tutoring is unavailable on January 1,
July 4, Thanksgiving Day and December 25.
Self-Study Tools
Available 24/7
SAT®/ACT® Essentials
AP® Video Lessons
Practice Quizzes
Standardized Test Prep
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You can use TutorATL at any Atlanta-Fulton Public Library branch. To access from home, you will need your library card number. If you do not have a library card, you can get one by visiting any of the libraries' branches.
Connect directly to TutorATL by logging onto myBackpack.
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You can use TutorATL at any Atlanta-Fulton Public Library branch. To access from home, you will need your library card number. If you do not have a library card, you can get one by visiting any of the libraries' branches.
"I felt comfortable asking questions and everything was explained with such patience and ease. My tutor was marvelous and I'm so glad I logged in to ask because I'm slowly learning not to assume in math. Everything has its place/value and its own rules. Ignacio clarified some things to me that I'm sure would have caught up to me later down the line."
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We provide access to personalized, on-demand tutoring and homework help to students living in Atlanta. In a safe and secure online classroom, accessible through myBackpack, and the Atlanta Fulton Public Library System, students can connect with a subject-matter expert for one-to-one guidance in over 50 different subjects, including Advanced Placement (AP) subjects.
TutorATL is a service of ATL PBA, made possible by the generous support of the Chick-fil-A Foundation and powered by Tutor.com. To request training or find out how you can support the program, email us at 海豚加速器最新破解版.
Interested in bringing TutorATL to your area? Please send an email to education@pba.org to let us know how the program could help you.